Making better choices for MIND, BODY & SPIRIT!

Meet Judy
Judy Cook is a holistic healing practitioner who utilizes her diverse training in occupational therapy, health coaching, Reiki, and nutrition to provide balanced, whole-person care. Starting as an OT, Judy expanded her expertise to encompass an integrative approach focusing on lifestyle, mindfulness, energy work, and nutritional wellness. Her warm manner, insight, and passion for helping clients achieve optimal health make Judy a sought-after educator on topics like intuitive eating and mindfulness. In addition to her practice, this Reiki master volunteers in her community and enjoys nature and time with loved ones.

"Judy has done many highly informative nutrition workshops for our agency, both at our Senior Centers and our Meals on Wheels Driver Training. We keep inviting her back because she has so many different areas of expertise... and we get such positive feedback! She is a great presenter, clear and precise and she invites interaction which always results in fascinating discussions. To top it all off, she often brought homemade healthy snacks to bolster her nutritional message with a bit of delicious fun! She has helped to make believers out of skeptics and to instill an understanding of nutrition as it relates to whole health. Judy is a pleasure to work with always well received and we highly recommend her as a presenter!"
Joan M. Barretto, Esq.
Assistant Director of Elder Services
Community Action Program
Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc.